Light Tower Work Around

From EMIT Controls
Revision as of 14:48, 2 November 2023 by Thomas Peterson (talk | contribs)
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If an old Brain is swapped out in a panel with a new light tower, the color segments may not work. The Brain will still operate normally otherwise. If a work-around is needed, these steps can be used to get the color segments working.

  1. Remove light tower wires from pins 64-66 (Black, Brown, White). Leave 63 and 67 connected (Blue and Gray).
  2. Add three relays (or use spares in the panel), with each A2- connected to ground and A1+ connected to pins 64,65,66.
  3. On each relay wire pin 11 (common) to ground
  4. On each relay wire pin 14 (Normally open) to the segment wire. For the relay controlled by 64 wire to Black, relay controlled by 65 to Brown, and relay controlled by 66 to White.

If after this change the colors work but aren't the correct colors, try swapping the logic under Brain - Misc Settings - "Light tower output inverted".