Annunciator Setup - Custom Digital Out

From EMIT Controls
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The Brain has the ability to turn the digital outputs on and off based on a user-defined sensor condition. Any digital out that is not in use by another function can have a custom function associated with it.

The custom digital out function is configured by selecting "Outputs Setup", then "Custom Digital Outs".


Custom Digital Output Setup

Select the top button of the page to select an output to configure. Only outputs that have no function or already have a custom digital out can be selected.

For a given output, select the top button of the lower section to define a condition when the output should be on. This can be any condition dependent on other inputs. Also available is a delay before/after the sensor condition is true/false for the output to activate or deactivate.

In the example shown above, when the Aux Water Temperature is below 110 degrees for 10 solid seconds, Digital Out 4 will turn on. Once the temperature is above 110 degrees for 60 solid seconds, the output will turn off.

For Brain versions above 1350, a row for ‘Deadband (optional)’ is shown. This can be used to specify a deadband in which the output will not change. For example, if the sensor criteria is “output will be on when Suction is above 50 PSI”, and the deadband is 5, then the output will go from off to on when suction rises above 55 PSI. Subsequently, the output will go from on to off when the suction falls below 45 PSI.

For newer versions, there is also an option for "Force off during ESD". This will cause the output to be turned off if there is an ESD alarm, even if the criteria would be met normally to be turned on.