Dual Recycle Setup

From EMIT Controls
Revision as of 14:27, 18 April 2023 by Thomas Peterson (talk | contribs)

A recycle loop can be set up in one of two ways:

  1. As a normal PID loop using a single process input (suction OR discharge)
  2. As a dual input PID loop

If only needing one process input (e.g. suction), set the loop up as a normal PID loop except name the loop “RECYCLE” and set the setpoint accordingly.

If the recycle loop should use both discharge and suction to open, the special dual loop can be turned on. This is found at “Settings” -> “Brain” -> “Outputs Setup” -> “Recycle Dual Loop Setup”.


To use, select the output settings and P, I, D variables similar to setting up a normal PID loop. Set the low suction and high discharge limit, and the loop will open the valve if below suction OR above discharge.

Like a normal PID loop, a gauge for recycle can be added by navigating to “Settings” -> “Brain” -> “Gauges Setup”. Select a page, and in the “Other” category select “Special Recycle PID Status”. The gauge will show the current input and output status of the loop.