Telematics Data List

From EMIT Controls
Revision as of 14:36, 24 March 2023 by Thomas Peterson (talk | contribs)


Both the DCT and the EDR accumulate data from various sources and send it out to the Connect server. This page shows what values can be sent. In most cases a unit will not have all values, but if a value is available from some source will be sent in that slot.

Standard Data

This table shows the standard data sent every 15 minutes, and where it can come from on a DCT. If the data values is available on any of the possible sources it will be used.


  • For Brain items the logic depends on the sensor name using a default value. E.g. if DISCHG STG 1 is renamed to FIRST INTERSTAGE then it won't find it
  • The EDT should be kept up to date to make sure the most accurate engine translation is used
  • For an EDR, there are only two sources: Modbus or EDT. The modbus options aren't shown in the table below but can be seen easily on the EDR modbus master tab. If a value is read via modbus and the EDT the module will always use the modbus value first.
  • Some rows were added recently and won't send on old DCT versions
Item EDT (Engine ECU) Brain Ignition GOV AFRC ASC DCT
Engine speed x x x x x
Battery voltage x x x x x
Manifold Pressure Left x x x x x
Manifold Pressure Right x x x
Engine oil pressure x x x
Current Ignition timing x x
Throttle Position x x
Engine Oil Temperature x x x
Precatalyst Temperature x x x
Postcatalyst Temperature x x x
Engine hours low word x x
Engine hours high word x x
Left DPV steps x
Right DPV steps x
Left Narrowband voltage, if used x
Right Narrowband voltage, if used x
Left Wideband lambda, if used x
Right Wideband lambda, if used x
First engine DTC x
Engine % load at current RPM x
Engine Jacket Water Temp x x x
Suction Pressure x x x
Final discharge stage pressure x x
Compressor oil pressure x x
Discharge cylinder 1 temperature x x
Discharge cylinder 2 temperature x x
Discharge cylinder 3 temperature x x
Discharge cylinder 4 temperature x x
Compressor oil temperature x x
Discharge Stage 1 Pressure x x
Discharge Stage 2 Pressure x x
Discharge Stage 3 Pressure x x
Annunciator Run Status (See table for Annunciator register 31001) x
Annuncaitor Fault and Run Code (Equivalent to Annunciator reg 35015) x
Signal strength (cell) x
Suction temperature x x
Intake Air Temp x x
Packing Pressure x
Fuel pressure x x
Board ambient temp x

Daily Data

Some data is only sent once a day since it changes infrequently

Unit Hrs
Service Level
DCT or EDR software version
Callouts enabled (DCT only)
Unit Number (irrelevant, the unit # shown by the site is more important)
Brain Software Version
Maximum ambient temp that day
Shutdown Q enabled
Time zone*
  • Not shown in data list

Extended Data 1

Some service levels also send the data below every 15 minutes. This requires DCT or EDR 1.62 or newer.

Note: EDR does not send rod loads.

Item DCT EDT (Engine) ASC
Throw 1 Tension x x
Throw 1 Compression x x
Throw 2 Tension x x
Throw 2 Compression x x
Throw 3 Tension x x
Throw 3 Compression x x
Throw 4 Tension x x
Throw 4 Compression x x
Throw 5 Tension x x
Throw 5 Compression x x
Throw 6 Tension x x
Throw 6 Compression x x
Left Turbo In x
Left Turbo Out x
Right Turbo In x
Right Turbo Out x
Cyl 1 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 2 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 3 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 4 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 5 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 6 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 7 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 8 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 9 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 10 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 11 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 12 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 13 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 14 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 15 Exhaust Temp x
Cyl 16 Exhaust Temp x