Portal Overview

From EMIT Controls
Revision as of 15:22, 29 July 2022 by Thomas Peterson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Video for this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHbOUCUIvc4 The telematics site at https://data.emittechnologies.com/ data.emittechnologies.com can be used to manage and view information related to Dynamic Control Panel telematics services, such as view recent unit data and alerts, change callout targets and schedules, change unit names and information, and download reports. Each will be detailed in this article. == Logging In ==  [Image: https://forum.emi...")
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Video for this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHbOUCUIvc4

The telematics site at [data.emittechnologies.com] can be used to manage and view information related to Dynamic Control Panel telematics services, such as view recent unit data and alerts, change callout targets and schedules, change unit names and information, and download reports. Each will be detailed in this article.

Logging In

 [Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221907673/login.PNG] Initially, the above screen will be displayed and you can select one of the two sign in options. Select the option which your organization uses for account management (Microsoft is more common).

This will take you to the Microsoft or Google login page, where you will use your normal address and password that you use for email. EMIT does not store account credentials - Microsoft or Google will tell us that your account is valid.

Home Page

Once you are logged in, the home page appears as below. [Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221907679/home.PNG] The tabs along the top will be used to go to different informational items, the most commonly used will be "Units".

Units Page

Selecting 'Units' at the top will bring up the Units page, which has three tabs - Overview, List, and Map. The overview page will show recent alerts, Issues, and configuration changes for all units. Note that the area dropdown directly under "Filtering" can be used to filter to only units in one area.

The 'List' will list all the units, once again with an Area filter if needed using the top dropdown. [Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221907682/unit%20list.PNG] Any unit name can be selected to go to a particular unit, such as "Arrow Dyno" in the above example. The dropdown arrow box to the right of each unit can be used to quickly download a runtime report. This report can also be downloaded in the reports section detailed in a later section.

At the top of the page the 'filter' box can be used to find a unit by typing in the unit number or lease name.

The "Map" tab will display a map of units, which can be selected to go to the unit page similar to the unit list.

Individual Unit Page

Selecting a unit name will bring up the individual unit page. Along the top are 6 tabs for information related to this one unit. [Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221907685/Single%20unit.PNG]  The first tab shown above lists basic unit info. The info here can be changed by typing into the boxes and selecting 'Save' at the bottom. This is useful, for example, when a lease name changes.

Callout Scheduling Tab

The callout scheduling tab is used to see the list of callout targets from the panel, or a configured schedule. Selecting 'Calendar' on this page will show the full schedule.

The "Callout targets" bullet point shows contacts that were entered on the panel and are always active.

If you are not sure how to create schedules, go to "Callout Scheduling" at the very top of the site, and selet "Tour". This will go through concepts related to scheduling. In this section of the site Contacts and Groups can be edited as well. A group can be created with its own schedule, then assigned to different units so that the schedule on each unit doesn't have to be manged, only the group schedule.

Data Tab

The data tab has three options - Chart, values, and export.

Select 'Chart' to plot some recent data points. [Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221908411/dataChart.PNG]

The 'Zoom' button on the bottom is used to set the time scale, then the 'sensors' dropdown is used to add or remove sensors. Data is normally collected every 15 minutes. All potential sensors are displayed, but only some will be actually collected on each unit - for example, if there is not an AFRC then the DPV data will be empty.

The Data -> Values dropdown brings up a list of recent data, with newest data first.

[Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221908408/dataList.PNG]

The filter box just under 'Name' can be used to filter one type of information, for example if you type in "Engine Speed" into the box the then recent speed values for the unit will be shown.

[Image: https://forum.emittechnologies.com/assets/221908384/data2.PNG] Filter example- "Suction Pressure" typed into the filter box to see recent suction pressures.

Alerts Tab

The alerts tab shows a list of recent alerts. Selecting an alert will bring up some more details about that event.

Reports Tab

The reports tab allows for creating unit reports. A runtime report can be created by specifying a range and downloading the report. Under "Scheduled Reports" on the second part of the page, a list of contacts can be added to get daily reports of data, runtime, or alerts. These will be sent automatically via email each morning. These email addresses can include persons outside the normal organization, such as a customer.


The configuration tab shows recent configuration changes, and warnings around configuration problems (such as rolled out kills). Units with configuration warnings will also be noted on the main unit list, and this tab is where the detail is seen. These warnings can help identify potentially critical issues that can be prevented with proper alarms.