EIM Read Fix

From EMIT Controls

Some EIMs will not work very well on Modbus because the respond with messages too quickly. This causes intermittent callout and data issues where there are random missing values. This can be fixed with v2.26 by adjusting the read delay.


If the EIM is not at v2.26 or newer (you can check by pressing the "Access" button) it should be updated. See EIM Software Update

The latest file can be found here, download EIM_update_(...).tar: Software Updates

Adjusting the setting

After updating, navigate to "System Settings / Utilities" -> Modbus. The "Setup" password will be needed.


As seen above, a new setting called "Read Delay (ms)" is shown on the right.

Set the read delay to 75 ms, then hit Submit.

The Modbus should now communicate more reliably.