Annunciator Setup - Crank Setup

From EMIT Controls
Revision as of 21:13, 4 August 2022 by Thomas Peterson (talk | contribs)

If using EMIT engine controls, the Brain can be used to control the engine crank cycle. Previously this was called "Autostart", but now is called "Crank Setup"

During the crank cycle, the Brain will actuate the STARTER output (digital out 2) and activate the fuel valve, and crank until the engine reaches a cutoff speed. The Brain will then communicate with the (EMIT) Governor to idle for a specified amount of time, then ramp to the Auto governor operating condition.

The Crank Setup is accessed from the main setup page by selecting “Outputs Setup” then “Crank Setup” (or "Auto start" on old versions).

The first setting is the Pre-Start Warning Time. This is the amount of time the siren and/or beacon will activate to warn any personnel of an impending start. The next setting is the purge time, which is the amount of time the engine will crank without fuel. The Max Crank Time specifies the maximum amount of time the starter should crank the engine, and if the engine does not start in this time the sequence will fault out. The RPM cutoff specifies what speed the engine is considered started and cranking should stop.

The idle time is the amount of time to idle the engine before ramping to full speed. Note that if an idle permissive condition is enabled on the governor it will also have to be met before ramping to full speed.