Annunciator Testing Mode
The annunciator can be used in a test mode with or without the engine running using the Annunciator Testing Mode screen (Pg. 662). This page is accessed from the annunciator main setup by selecting “Testing Mode”.
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Annunciator Test Mode Page
On the page the testing mode can be started or stopped. When started, the test mode will run for 15 minutes, or until it is stopped. During testing mode the annunciator will not shut down the engine for any A, B, or C class faults. The faults will still be shown on the Annunciator Inputs and Timers Status page to verify the shutdown is normally operational. Any ESD class inputs will still cause the engine to be shut down when faulted.
Selecting the button "Previous fault times" will go to the Previous Fault Times page, which shows the previous time an input was faulted for any reason, whether in test mode or not.
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