DCT Engine Timers

From EMIT Controls

This page is used to view the current run hours and to add individual hour meters or timers. This page is found at Information -> Run Hours. A screenshot of this page is shown below.


Global Hours

Global Run Hours is an overall hour meter maintained by the screen that counts up when the unit is running. It can be used for engine hours or unit hours. When in "Engineering" access level, the user can change the current hours.

ECU Engine Hours will sometimes be shown if the data translator detects the engine controller reporting a run hours value.

Individual Hourmeters / Timers

For the individual hour meters / timers, the timer can optionally be configured to have an expiration time. For timers without an expiration, the system will track the run hours indefinitely for that timer until reset. For example, there could be hour meters for time spent since last overhaul or since at the current site. For a timer with an expiration, the system will flash the Time icon when a timer expires. This can be used for maintenance events.

To add or manage a timer, select the box on the right side of the row. This will bring up the timer management screen.


On this screen, enter a name for the timer and select whether it has an expire time. If it does expire, enter the expiration time. Also on this page a timer can be reset (to 0 hours) or deleted.