EIM Open Source Software Notice

From EMIT Controls

The software included in this product contains proprietary and confidential copyrighted software developed and owned by EMIT Technologies, Inc. which is distributed subject to the Software License Agreement located in "APPENDIX H. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT" of the user manual.

This product, and any connected EMIT modules, also include copyrighted open source software that is licensed under the GPL, including FreeRTOS v7.0.1, copies of which are located in "APPENDIX I. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" of the user manual, and available here. You may obtain copies of each open source license, the copyright notice, and the complete source code for any open source software program utilized in this product for a period of three years after the last shipment of this product by sending a money order or check for $10.00 to the following address:

EMIT Technologies, Inc.

GPL Compliance Division

PO Box 6785

Sheridan, WY 82801

Please include a note asking for the “source for ETS” which identifies your shipping address and preferred method of shipment. EMIT Technologies will ship a CD containing the open source license, the copyright notice, and the complete source code for any open source software program utilized in the product.

This offer is available to anyone in receipt of this information.