Miscellaneous Start Permissive
The Brain (annunciator) has the ability to add a generic start permissive which specifies a sensor condition must be met before the start sequence will commence. After the unit is running, the permissive no longer needs to be met until the next startup.
- The Brain (annunciator) should be updated to 1303 or newer
- The DCT should be updated to 1.19.109 or newer OR the EIM should be updated to 2.21.63 or newer
- The sensor needed for the permissive should be configured as a normal Brain/annunciator input. It doesn't need to have an alarm set up, but optionally can have an alarm.
Adding the Permissive
1. On the EIM, navigate to “Annunciator” -> “Annunciator Setup” -> “Outputs Setup” -> “Misc Start Permissive”. If using a DCT, navigate to “Settings” -> “Brain” -> “Outputs Setup” -> “Misc Start Permissive”.
2. Select the button next to ‘permissive’ and choose the sensor, threshold, and above/below. The condition entered specifies the value required to be met to start the engine. In the below example, the L Manifold Temp must be below 400 to start the engine. Aka if it is above 400 it will not start. Note: This shows the EIM screen, but the DCT screen for this setup is very similar.
3. Select ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page to save.