Standby start or Unexpected start fault

From EMIT Controls

In Brain v3180 a new built-in fault was added for an unexpected engine start. This logic will trip if the rpm goes above crank terminate for more than 1/2 second while the panel is in standby. To use this update the DCT should also be updated to 1.67.88 or newer.


In a normal startup on a CAT engine, the sequence will be:

  1. Operator presses RESET button
  2. EMIT panel goes to STANDBY and the DRIVEN EQUIPMENT READY output turns on (goes clear)
  3. The CAT panel can be cleared of all alarms
  4. (If switch present and not previously set) CAT start switch set to AUTO
  5. Operator presses START button
  6. EMIT panel goes through purge/blowdown/prelube sequence, depending on what is enabled
  7. EMIT panel supplies START/RUN signal to engine, and removes NORMAL STOP on some engines
  8. CAT panel starts engine

The new alarm will throw if engine RPM is detected before step 5 above. Most often, this means the operator set the engine to MANUAL rather than AUTO, so the engine has a start command without the compressor panel supplying it. This fault could also occur if the RPM is not reading correctly so it is showing up when the unit is not running.

For more details on the panel to engine interface see Panel to ADEM(r) Interfacing .

Alarm screen

The screenshot below shows an example of what appears on the alarm page for this fault.
